"Compact songs full of energy!" - Rock Tribune (BE), 8/10
"This is 100% headbanging-friendly metal! Great stuff for fans of the genre!" - Zero Tolerance (UK)
"'Streitmacht' ist vielleicht die bisher reifste und von den Melodien her abwechslungsreichste Scheibe der Bergischen Metaller!" - Metal.de (D), 8/10
"Mainstream-Wikinger wie Amon Amarth wirken gegen die Bergischen Löwen wie Hobby-Segler!" - Heavy-Metal.de (D)
"An aggressive album!" - Zwaremetalen (NL), 80/100
"Ein Obscurity-Original: keine Experimente, keine Gefangenen!" - Evil Rocks Hard (D), 10/10
"Executed with loads of conviction! In Obscurity we trust!" - Lords of Metal (NL), 83/100
"Man merkt, dass die Jungs auch nach all den Jahren noch Spaß an ihrer Musik haben!" - Zephyrs Odem (D), 8,5/10
"'Streitmacht' könnte als Titel für eine aufopfernde, nach 2 Dekaden noch immer trotzig kämpferische Platte nicht besser gewählt worden sein!" - Nocturnal Hall (D), 8,5/10
"Mit ihrer Vereinigung aus Viking-, Black-, und Death Metal schlagen Obscurity jeden Feind zu Boden und bieten bodenständigen, harten Metal!" - Heavy Stage Force (D)
"Ein sauber gespieltes, schnörkelloses Album!" - Dark Festivals (D)
"Es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass OBSCURITY mit dem Material der neuen Scheibe vor allem livehaftig einen echten Triumphzug starten wird!" - Powermetal.de (D)
"Recommended to all Metal fans who enjoy epic sounds!" - Necromance (E), 8/10
"Die Truppe aus dem Bergischen Land umschifft gekonnt sämtliche Kitschgrenzen und hält mit ihrem straighten Schlachtensound unbeirrt Kurs!" - Deaf Forever (D), 8/10
"Das Leben ist und bleibt ein Kampf, zu dem OBSCURITY den passen Battle Metal machen!" - Legacy (D), 11/15
"Heavy, brutal, melodic and battling!" - Kaosguards (F), 18/20
"German veterans Obscurity are still going strong!" - Folk Metal (NL), 8/10
“Streitmacht” (meaning Army/Armed Forces) is the 8th full-length album of the five warriors from the Bergisches Land. The new blade features all muscial variations of the genre, as elements of Black, Death and Viking Metal are combined to become “Battle Metal”, which is typical of Obscurity. “Streitmacht” is supposed to express the band’s huge thanks to all the loyal as well as new fans for the support throughout the last two decades. At the same time, it is an impressive proof of Obscurity staying true to themselves and shows that achieving success does not require conforming to trends in music. On the contrary, shouter Agalaz and his comrades-at-arms have always lived for their way of making and understanding heavy music. Fortunately, the band does not need to pretend consistent further development in order to justify an entirely new musical style. With their ten songs OBSCURITY deliberately pose the provoking question: Does the wheel have to be reinvented over and over again? Progress does not necessarily go hand in hand with a change in muscial style – and this is ultimately proven by the Lions from the Bergisches Land! This new output is an authentic and martial album by metal fans and for metal fans blasting through your speakers. It goes without any overall concept. The album deals with aspects of everyday life, yet woven into a garment of lyrics that is characteristic of Obscurity. Historical topics as well as themes taken from Nordic mythology are to be found on “Streitmacht”, which will also features the band’s long-time companions Bony and Tim Schuldt...
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