The successor ties in with the debut album sehnsuchts wogen released as recently as last June both lyrically and musically. Even though the lyrical I hoped to have overcome the loss of a significant person, despair takes over once again right at the beginning of REKOVALESZENZ (convalescence), more flamingly as before, slowly yielding a sane resignation. Musically, this change is shown in a smooth transition from black metal to postrock, the two genres which in their combination formed the distinctive musical style of TRÄUMEN VON AURORA on the debut album and could now be elaborated separately in this dualistic concept. The album starts off in a very raw manner, more so than you would have expected (despite the label of post black metal), and ends postrock-like in equal measure.
The turning point is marked by two instrumental songs which do not (want to) explain thoroughly what triggers the change, but give the willing listener clear hints in their music detached from insufficient verse constructions and continuously relieving itself of black metal. DER SOMMERREGEN AUF ASPHALT as an initially very melancholic piece carries over into the almost euphoric mood of ORION 2.1, thereby representing the actual recovery that is the most important part of the story.
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